Source code for maidchan.offerings

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime
import logging
import os
import pytz
from random import randint

from maidchan.constant import Constants

NORMAL = "normal"
SPECIAL = "special"

STOCK_OFFERINGS_PATH = "offerings/stock"
USED_OFFERINGS_PATH = "offerings/used"

def get_special_probability():
    p = randint(1, 100)
    if p <= 2:  # 2% chance of special"Special offerings for today!")
        return True"Normal offerings for today!")
    return False

[docs]def check_event_morning_offerings(): result = [] dt_now ='Asia/Tokyo')) # UTC+9 for event in Constants.EVENT_GOOD_MORNING: start_mt = dt_now.replace( month=event["start_month"], day=event["start_date"], hour=0, minute=0, second=0 ) end_mt = dt_now.replace( month=event["end_month"], day=event["end_date"], hour=23, minute=59, second=59 ) # Ensure start < end if end_mt < start_mt: end_mt = end_mt.replace(year=end_mt.year + 1) # Check range if start_mt <= dt_now <= end_mt: if event.get('force', False): return True, event["text"] else: result.append(event["text"]) return False, result
[docs]def get_morning_offerings_text(): # Priority: event force > special > normal/event event_force, event_text = check_event_morning_offerings() # Force special text, e.g.: Halloween day, Christmas day, etc if event_force: return event_text, NORMAL is_special = get_special_probability() if is_special: p = randint(1, len(Constants.SPECIAL_GOOD_MORNING)) return Constants.SPECIAL_GOOD_MORNING[p-1], SPECIAL else: text_list = Constants.NORMAL_GOOD_MORNING + event_text p = randint(1, len(text_list)) return text_list[p-1], NORMAL
[docs]def get_night_offerings_text(): is_special = get_special_probability() if is_special: p = randint(1, len(Constants.SPECIAL_GOOD_NIGHT)) return Constants.SPECIAL_GOOD_NIGHT[p-1], SPECIAL else: p = randint(1, len(Constants.NORMAL_GOOD_NIGHT)) return Constants.NORMAL_GOOD_NIGHT[p-1], NORMAL
[docs]def get_offerings_image(): # Ensure morning and night are different stock_files = os.listdir(STOCK_OFFERINGS_PATH) if len(stock_files) < 2: return None, None p = randint(1, len(stock_files)) p2 = p while p == p2: p2 = randint(1, len(stock_files)) morning_image = os.path.join(STOCK_OFFERINGS_PATH, stock_files[p-1]) night_image = os.path.join(STOCK_OFFERINGS_PATH, stock_files[p2-1]) return morning_image, night_image
[docs]def remove_offerings_image(filepath): # Move file to used if os.path.isfile(filepath): os.rename( filepath, os.path.join( USED_OFFERINGS_PATH, os.path.basename(filepath) ) )