Maid-chan Messenger Bot¶
(Note: As of October 5, 2018, Maid-chan is now migrated to Python 3.6+)
Maid-chan name is inspired from Sakurasou’s Artificial Intelligence.
This documentation is intended for developers.
For non-developers who are interested in using Maid-chan features, please ask me directly and head to Maid-chan Facebook Page.
Maid-chan Overview¶
Maid-chan leverages the advantage of using Facebook Messenger API. It allows us to communicate and share our application with billion of people around the world. It also eliminates the necessity of developing mobile and web application.
Maid-chan itself is not a general-purpose bot. If you like Japanese culture or have an interest in learning Japanese, then Maid-chan will probably useful for you. Currently, it supports several basic features, such as simple chatbot, daily scheduler for Kanji & Vocabulary of the day, daily greetings, RSS Feed notifier, translation via Google Translate, and Tokyo train status notification via Yahoo Japan. In addition, Maid-chan can be used as an intermediary between mobile and server-side, where you could leverage server capability (CPU) for hard tasks such as Machine Learning (image processing).
Maid-chan is mainly written in Python.
New Ideas & Issues¶
If you have some interesting ideas, or if you find some bugs, please access project’s page on Github.